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“Cheap and Scenic Hiking Trails in Korea”

“Cheap and Scenic Hiking Trails in Korea”

Hiking in Korea is incredibly popular, especially during peak times and weekends when trails are bustling with activity. Enthusiasts from all over come equipped with top-notch gear and plenty of provisions, ready for a delightful day in the mountains. The hiking community in Korea is vibrant and welcoming. Below are some of the best hiking trails in Korea that promise both affordability and breathtaking scenery.

Key Takeaways

  • Korea offers a variety of scenic hiking trails, many of which are located within its beautiful national parks.
  • Bukhansan National Park and Seoraksan are among the top destinations for hikers seeking both challenge and stunning views.
  • Jeju Island’s Olle Trails provide a unique cultural experience alongside picturesque landscapes.
  • Jirisan National Park is home to lesser-known trails that offer tranquility and a closer connection to nature.
  • Urban hiking options in Seoul allow for a blend of outdoor adventure and city sightseeing.

Exploring Bukhansan National Park

Bukhansan National Park is a must-visit for any hiking enthusiast in Seoul. Easily accessible via the metro, this park offers a variety of trails that cater to different skill levels. Whether you’re a seasoned hiker or a beginner, you’ll find a trail that suits you. The park is renowned for its rock scrambles and stunning views, making it a rewarding experience for all.

Best Trails to Try

One of the most popular routes is the Bukhansan Main Route, which takes you to the peak. This 4.7-mile point-to-point trail near Eunpyeong-gu is generally considered a challenging route. Another favorite is the Baegundae Peak trail, which starts at the Bamgol entrance on the western side of the park. This route is tough but extremely picturesque.

What to Pack for a Day Hike

When preparing for a day hike in Bukhansan, make sure to pack the essentials:

  • Water and snacks
  • Comfortable hiking shoes
  • A map or GPS device
  • Sunscreen and a hat
  • A light jacket or raincoat

Local Wildlife to Watch For

While hiking, keep an eye out for the local wildlife. The park is home to various species of birds, insects, and small mammals. You might even spot some deer or wild boar if you’re lucky.

Bukhansan offers a unique blend of natural beauty and challenging trails, making it a perfect destination for hikers of all levels.

Discovering the Beauty of Seoraksan

Seoraksan National Park is a must-visit for anyone looking to experience Korea’s natural beauty. This park is a gem and offers some of the most breathtaking views in the country. Whether you’re a seasoned hiker or just looking for a day trip, Seoraksan has something for everyone.

Must-See Scenic Spots

One of the highlights of Seoraksan is the iconic Ulsanbawi rock face. The views from here are simply stunning, especially during the fall season when the foliage is at its most colorful. Another must-see is Biseondae, a monk cave chiseled out of a cliff face, and the turquoise waters of Cheonbuldong Valley.

Tips for a Safe Hike

  • Always check the weather forecast before heading out.
  • Wear appropriate hiking gear, including sturdy shoes and a hat.
  • Bring plenty of water and snacks.
  • Stay on marked trails to avoid getting lost.

Seasonal Highlights

Seoraksan is beautiful year-round, but each season offers something unique. In the spring, you’ll find blooming flowers and mild weather. Summer brings lush greenery and warmer temperatures, perfect for a refreshing dip in the valley’s waters. Fall is arguably the best time to visit, with vibrant foliage and cooler weather. Winter offers a serene, snowy landscape that’s perfect for a quieter hike.

If you have a day or two, consider staying overnight to fully explore this national park. It’s only a short bus ride from Seoul, making it an excellent destination for a quick getaway.

Jeju Island’s Olle Trails

Jeju Island’s Olle Trails are a hiker’s paradise, offering a series of paths that loop around the island for a total of about 422 km. These trails are divided into 21 main routes and 5 sub-routes, each with its own unique charm. The majority of the trails follow the stunning coast, but they also pass through beaches, small villages, and farmland, making it a fantastic way to see the island.

Hidden Gems in Jirisan National Park

Jirisan National Park hiking trail

Jirisan National Park is a treasure trove for hikers looking to explore beyond the usual paths. The park is home to South Korea’s second tallest mountain, making it a favorite for those seeking longer, multi-day treks. The ridge can be completed in three days with mountain shelters available for overnight stays. Day treks are also possible, depending on the trail and route selected.

Less-Known Trails

For those who want to avoid the crowds, there are several lesser-known trails that offer equally stunning views. The Piagol Valley is a highlight, offering scenic vistas that are perfect for a peaceful hike. Another hidden gem is the Nogodan Peak, which provides breathtaking views without the usual hustle and bustle.

Camping Spots

If you’re planning to turn your hike into a multi-day adventure, Jirisan has several shelters and camping spots. These are well-maintained and provide a safe place to rest. Some popular spots include the Jangteomok Shelter and the Byeoksoryeong Shelter. Remember to book in advance, especially during peak seasons.

Flora and Fauna

Jirisan is not just about the trails; it’s also a haven for nature lovers. The park is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna. Keep an eye out for the Korean goral and the Asiatic black bear, both of which are native to the area. The park also boasts a variety of plant species, making it a paradise for botany enthusiasts.

Exploring Jirisan offers a unique blend of adventure and tranquility, making it a must-visit for any hiking enthusiast.

Urban Hiking in Seoul

Seoul is a bustling metropolis, but it also offers some fantastic hiking adventures. You don’t have to leave the city to find great trails. The city’s efficient transportation system makes it easy to access these urban oases. Let’s dive into some of the best trails you can explore within the city limits.

Family-Friendly Trails in Korea

Exploring the great outdoors with your family in Korea is a fantastic way to bond and create lasting memories. The country offers a variety of trails that are perfect for kids and adults alike. Here are some of the best family-friendly trails you can explore.

Hiking Along the DMZ

Historical Significance

The DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) is a strip of land running across the Korean Peninsula, serving as a buffer zone between North and South Korea since the end of the Korean War in 1953. This area is not only a symbol of the tense relationship between the two Koreas but also a unique hiking destination. Walking along these trails, you can feel the weight of history and the hope for peace.

Safety Precautions

Hiking along the DMZ requires some special considerations. Always join an organized tour, as these are the only safe and legal ways to explore the area. Make sure to follow all instructions given by your guide, and never stray from the designated paths. It’s also wise to carry identification and be prepared for security checks.

Best Viewing Points

The DMZ offers several vantage points where you can get a glimpse into North Korea. Key spots include the Dora Observatory, where you can use binoculars to see across the border, and the Third Tunnel of Aggression, an infiltration tunnel dug by North Korea. These points provide a unique perspective on the divided peninsula.

Hiking along the DMZ is a surreal experience, blending natural beauty with profound historical significance. It’s a journey that offers both scenic views and a deeper understanding of Korea’s complex past.


Hiking in Korea is an experience like no other. With its stunning landscapes, friendly hiking community, and well-maintained trails, it’s no wonder that both locals and travelers flock to these scenic spots. Whether you’re a seasoned hiker or just starting out, there’s a trail for everyone. So, grab your gear, pack some snacks, and hit the trails for an unforgettable adventure in the mountains of South Korea. Happy hiking!

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the best time to hike in Korea?

The best time to hike in Korea is during the spring (April to June) and fall (September to November) when the weather is mild and the scenery is beautiful.

Are the hiking trails in Korea crowded?

Yes, hiking in Korea is very popular, and trails can be crowded, especially during weekends and peak times. It’s best to start early in the morning to avoid the crowds.

Do I need special gear for hiking in Korea?

While you don’t need specialized gear for most trails, it’s recommended to wear comfortable hiking shoes, carry plenty of water, snacks, and a map or GPS device.

Are there any safety concerns when hiking in Korea?

Generally, hiking in Korea is safe. However, it’s important to stay on marked trails, be aware of weather conditions, and inform someone of your hiking plans.

Can I hike in Korea on a budget?

Yes, many hiking trails in Korea are free or have a minimal entrance fee. You can save money by bringing your own food and using public transportation to reach the trailheads.

Is it possible to hike with children in Korea?

Absolutely! There are many family-friendly trails in Korea that are suitable for children. These trails often have picnic spots and educational opportunities along the way.

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