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Jeungdo Island, A slower pace of life

Jeungdo, the island of salt and mudskippers is an island found in the South Jeolla province off the western coast South Korea. Jeungdo is a “slow city” due to its chilled out lifestyle and small number of residents. It is recognized by UNESCO as a special area for biodiversity conservation thanks to the abundance of tidal flats. All in all, Jeungdo is a quiet, charming island that offers a Korean countryside experience that presents Korea in a better light that a city could.

The initial attraction of Jeungdo is the Taepyeong Salt Farm, which is the largest sun-dried salt farm you can find in Korea. Exploring the island is a must obviously, you will find yourself engulfed by tidal flats, a.k.a. mudflats that gives off a different feel from the usually hilly Korean landscape. The tidal flats make for a perfect home to animals such as crab and mudskippers. The aptly named “Mudskipper Bridge” gives you access to the mudflats and offers you a great view of the horizon.jeungdo_7914

One of the must visit destinations while you are here is Hwado. This is a small island to the south which quite unique for it has a wonderful land bridge that disappears during high tide. Make sure to remind yourself that the bridge is only one way to get to the island besides taking a boat. The bridge is about a kilometer or so, and is best taken on foot. Traversing slowly across the bridge possibly could be the highlight of your trip. 

Hwado is a very small island with some small pension (Konglish for beach house like accommodation) and a few interesting places that can grab your attention. The most famous tourist spot there is a house where a well-known Korean drama was filmed. But there is more to see other than that.

This blog and the pictures you see here don’t even scratch the surface what Jeungdo is all about. The more time you have there, the better your experience will be and the less you will regret your decision when you finally must leave. Scoping out the island on a bike or scooter is a good idea if you are confident driving that kind of vehicle. There is also a beautiful white sand beach there called Ujeon Beach whose sand rivals tropical beaches.Thought it isn’t well known, this place comes highly recommended. Now is the perfect time to go!



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